About me



I am Hamzat victor also know as CodeVictor, a frontend developer based in Nigera I'm in love building simple buy yet modern user interfaces without living out accessibilty.

my interest for web development started a few months after graduating from high school, I was idle most of the times. Then my brother introduced me to programming in python ever since then I've being sucked into the world of software development. My goal is to create equitable and performant web experience for all users that scales

My Core Values




My Journey

My journey into web development was propelled by my passion to solve problems and build products that could solve day-day human problems.This passion has constantly fueled me through this journey even in times of uncertainties and against all odds I have continued to thrive and learn.

Delved into Reactjs.

Plain javascript couldn't meet the demands of the projects I began to do, so I learned React to make building complex user interfaces easy. And it delivered. here are the results jadoo landing page, keyboarder, and GitHub repo details

I wrote my first Blog post.

I always add a passion for teaching, so I began a blog post to teach people about tech and productive software development. You can read my first post about Layout animations for the web on Medium .

Delved into Reactjs.

Plain javascript couldn't meet the demands of the projects I began to do, so I learned React to make building complex user interfaces easy. And it delivered. here are the results jadoo landing page, keyboarder, and GitHub repo details

I wrote my first Blog post.

I always add a passion for teaching, so I began a blog post to teach people about tech and productive software development. You can read my first post about Layout animations for the web on Medium .



Frontend Developer

Mar 2021 - Aug 2022


  • - I helped clients to build and deploy User Interfaces for MVP(Minimum Viable Product) for startups and business.
  • - I helped to maintain codebases of already started projects.
  • - Increase sites SEO(Search Engine Optimization), which in turn increased sales in multiple.

Tools & Technologies

One of my favourite things since I starting to learn to code has discovering all of the amazing tools and abstractions developers have created to make theirs and other developers' lives easier. Here are some of the tools I use most frequently.

  • Adobe
  • CSS3
  • Redux
  • Figma
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • React
  • Sass
  • Storybook
  • Typescript